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Iepazīstieties ar mūsu nākamo septiņu dienu plāniem. Izskatiet ETP grupas darba kārtību un galvenos jautājumus, kuriem mēs īpaši pievērsīsimies nākamajā nedēļā: no gaidāmajām debatēm Eiropas Parlamentā par nozīmīgiem likumdošanas un politikas jautājumiem līdz sanāksmēm, kurās piedalīsies mūsu deputāti.
Šajā nedēļā
The EPP Group in the European Parliament believes that free and fair trade is the backbone of economic growth and that potential tariffs on European goods would weaken transatlantic ties and damage global trade. A Plenary debate on 'Preparedness for a new era of multilateral cooperation or tariffs' will take place on Tuesday morning. "The United States is a close, traditional, and strategic ally with which we share deep cultural and historical ties. It is in our mutual interest to maintain this strong relationship. The EU must remain open to negotiations and seek constructive solutions to address any trade tensions that may arise," says Jörgen Warborn, the EPP Group Spokesman on International Trade.
Komitejas koordinators
Press officer for Trade, Foreign Affairs and for Estonia
The EPP Group believes that the effectiveness of the Competitiveness Compass, the new EU plan to increase its competitiveness, will be "critical" for Europe as it continues to lose ground to other major economies. On Tuesday afternoon, the European Parliament will debate the European Commission’s efforts to enhance competitiveness, resilience, and innovation. “We urgently need to cut unnecessary red tape suffocating our industries. The Union needs to encourage more innovation to boost economic growth while respecting our climate targets. The Compass must clear the EU's path to the top in this global race," emphasises Dolors Montserrat MEP, EPP Group Vice-President in Charge of Economy and Environment, ahead of the debate.
ETP grupas priekšsēdētāja vietniece
Press officer for Economy, Environment, Employment, Social Affairs, Housing, Health and for Ireland
The EPP Group is determined to make Europe more secure and more prosperous. The steps to achieve this should be prioritised in the European Commission's 2025 Work Programme, which will be presented to the European Parliament on Wednesday morning. "We expect the Commission to move swiftly to secure our external borders, speed up the return of irregular migrants and strengthen internal security by combatting crime," says Tomas Tobé MEP, EPP Group Vice-President in Charge of Legal and Home affairs. "The Commission's Competitiveness Compass points in the right direction. The Work Programme must manifest this path in its details. The EPP Group has very high expectations. Our businesses, households and communities really need the EU to deliver on its 2025 ambitions, especially when it comes to reducing bureaucracy," says Dolors Montserrat MEP, EPP Group Vice-President in Charge of Economy and Environment.
ETP grupas priekšsēdētāja vietnieks
Press officer for Legal and Home Affairs, Civil Liberties, Justice, Gender Equality, Democracy Shield and for Czech Republic
The European Parliament will use the upcoming plenary session to reaffirm Europe’s unwavering support for Ukraine in its fight against Putin’s illegal, unprovoked, and unjustified invasion, now in its third year. The Parliament will also mark the first anniversary of Alexei Navalny’s death, remembering him as another victim of Putin’s oppressive regime. “It is not enough to acknowledge that Europe’s fate is being decided on Ukrainian soil. We must act decisively to ensure Ukraine’s victory and secure the broadest possible international support. Any solution to the war must be grounded in full respect for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; compliance with international law; Russia's accountability for war crimes and the crime of aggression; and the payment of reparations and other compensation by Russia. No negotiations concerning Ukraine can take place without Ukraine's direct involvement,” stresses Andrzej Halicki MEP, EPP Group Vice-Chair in Charge of Foreign Affairs.
Press officer for Foreign Affairs, Development and for Poland
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