From 18.10.2024 9:00 To 25.10.2024 9:30

The Week ahead

Take a look at what we have coming up over the next seven days. Explore our EPP Group agenda and the main issues we’ll be focusing on in the week ahead: from upcoming debates in the European Parliament on important legislative and policy issues to the meetings that our Members will be attending.


The Week ahead

Who has no right to stay, must go

Police van at the airport

The EPP Group wants to stop irregular migration and return those who don't have the right to stay in Europe. On Wednesday morning, the European Parliament will debate making the process of returning migrants more effective. "So far, only 1 in 5 migrants without the right to stay in the EU are returned. The Migration Pact must be fully and swiftly implemented, but more is needed: The old Returns Proposal must be replaced within the first 100 days of the new European Commission by a new Regulation that ensures the effective return of those who don't have the right to stay in the EU," says EPP Group Vice-Chair Tomas Tobé MEP. "We need European solutions. We must jointly finance and protect the EU's external borders. The number of Frontex staff must be tripled to 30,000 personnel. We also need legal tools to address security threats, such as the use of irregular migrants in hybrid warfare. Finally, it will be crucial to build partnerships with key third countries to better manage migration and returns," says Lena Düpont MEP, EPP Group Spokeswoman on Home Affairs.

Confiscate Russian money, don’t just collect profits

Conceptual image of grid pattern of floating European Union and Ukrainian flags on a yellow background

The EPP Group wants to leverage the extraordinary profits from frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine. “A grim winter lies ahead for the people of Ukraine. The assistance package for Ukraine must be swiftly adopted in the plenary next week. Time is of the essence when it comes to supporting Ukraine," says Jörgen Warborn MEP. "Russia must be held accountable and pay directly for its aggression and crimes committed against Ukraine. The vote on the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism is crucial – but more can be done. Russia's frozen assets must be confiscated and used to arm Ukraine,” says Sandra Kalniete MEP, ahead of next week’s decision on the new mechanism, which the European Parliament will debate and vote on Tuesday.

Lessons still not learned 7 years after murder

Portrait of Daphne Caruana Galizia

The bombing that killed Daphne Caruana Galizia seven years ago continues to cast a long shadow over Malta. On Wednesday, the European Parliament will debate the lack of progress on the rule of law in Malta. Despite its rhetoric, Malta's socialist Government has shown an underlying discomfort with a free press, often viewing it as more of an obstacle rather than a vital component of democracy. “Seven years later, the fight is not over. We remember Daphne Caruana Galizia for her values, and as a politician, I honour Daphne's commitment as a journalist to a better Malta and a better Europe. But today, I also honour Daphne as my friend for her personality, humour, wit, cooking, friendship and advice. They have robbed society of a powerful voice that never stopped fighting corruption," says Maltese MEP David Casa.

Protect Europeans from Iran’s state terrorism

Row of Iran Flags in Front of Tehran Skyline

State-sponsored terrorism by the Iranian regime poses a serious threat to the internal security of the EU. On Tuesday evening, the Parliament will debate this issue in response to recent attacks in Europe, including those on the Israeli Embassies in Copenhagen and Stockholm. "Iran's regime uses criminal gangs to carry out terror attacks on European soil. The fact that a state is actively working to destabilize Europe and put its citizens at risk is a severe security threat. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, linked to these operations, must be declared a terrorist organisation by the EU. It is essential to control who enters the EU, enhance intelligence-sharing, impose stricter sanctions on Iran, and crack down on both gang crime and terror financing to strengthen the EU's internal security," says EPP Group Vice-Chair Tomas Tobé MEP.

MEPs Involved:
Press officers:
Profile picture of Lina Stenlund

Press Officer for Legal and Home Affairs Working Group and Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee. National press, Swedish Media

Profile picture of Agata Byczewska

Press Officer for Foreign Affairs Working Group. National press, Polish Media. Adviser for EU-ACP JPA Parliamentary Assembly

More EU budget for green and digital technology and border protection

Euro notes close-up: Macro image of two €50 banknotes, with focus on the map of Europe.

Ahead of Tuesday's plenary debate and Wednesday's vote on the European Parliament's proposal on the 2025 EU budget, the EPP Group has rejected the Member States’ proposal to slash funding by €1.52 billion. “The EU budget is Europe’s most powerful investment tool. It should be reinforced to drive growth, economic development and job creation, boost competitiveness and care for people and communities across Europe. That is why we have prioritised research, health, SMEs, agriculture, green and digital technology sectors, as well as migration management and the financing for the necessary infrastructure at the external borders," says Andrej Halicki MEP and EPP Group negotiator on the 2025 Budget.

Venezuelan opposition for Sakharov Prize

María Corina Machado and President-elect Edmundo González, on behalf of the Venezuelan people

On Thursday, the European Parliament will announce the winner of this year’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. The EPP Group has nominated the Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado and the President-Elect of Venezuela, Edmundo González. “We have reclaimed for Edmundo González the Presidency of the country that is rightfully his, and we have underlined the unwavering role of the democratic forces led by María Corina Machado,” says Sebastião Bugalho MEP. “We are delighted that María Corina and the democratic opposition of Venezuela are on the Sakharov Prize shortlist; it is a great demonstration of the EPP Group's commitment to support democracy and human rights in Venezuela,” adds Gabriel Mato MEP. Since 2006, the Sakharov Prize has been awarded annually by the European Parliament for outstanding contributions to the defence of human rights and freedom of thought. 

Make European steel competitive again

Steel cutting

Steel production is systemically important for industrial production in Europe, and green steel is indispensable on our path to a climate-neutral economy by 2050. However, the European steel industry faces several challenges. On Wednesday, the European Parliament will debate the situation of the steel industry in Europe. Christian Ehler MEP, EPP Group Spokesman on industrial policy, says: “Europe must succeed in making the green steel business model competitive in Europe. As energy prices outside Europe will remain cheaper for the foreseeable future, we must take specific and targeted measures to strengthen and support the steel industry as one of Europe's key sectors. This includes, for example, combating high energy prices by completing the Energy Union through increased investment in physical infrastructure across national borders".