From 04.10.2024 9:00 To 11.10.2024 9:30

The Week ahead

Take a look at what we have coming up over the next seven days. Explore our EPP Group agenda and the main issues we’ll be focusing on in the week ahead: from upcoming debates in the European Parliament on important legislative and policy issues to the meetings that our Members will be attending.


The Week ahead

We are ready to confront Orbán

Revise the combustion engine ban

Mechanic man using laptop examining tuning fixing repairing car

Bad news from Europe's car industry has been coming with alarming regularity of late. On Tuesday, MEPs will debate the growing crisis in the European car industry. The EPP Group knows that the challenges facing the car industry have many causes, but we are also certain that one-sided European policies also play a role. The EPP Group has long been calling for a revision of the ban on combustion engines by 2035. We are convinced that the target for all new cars being climate-neutral by 2035 must be achieved in a technologically neutral way.

Reinforce external borders to keep internal borders open

Europe urgently needs the Migration Pact

The EPP Group wants to safeguard Europe's security and reinforce the EU’s external borders to protect the Schengen zone. On Wednesday, the European Parliament will debate strengthening Europe’s external borders, including tripling the number of Frontex staff to 30,000, and giving more budget and enforcement powers. "The current situation is dangerous because we do not have sufficient control over migration to Europe. If necessary, Member States should be able to introduce internal checks. But the German Government's decision to introduce internal border controls could have a domino effect. Schengen is extremely important. Schengen is under threat and so is our security. After years of delay by the left side of this House, Member States must act swiftly to fully implement the Migration Pact. The European Commission must make a clear commitment to strengthening the EU's external borders, including supporting Frontex and financing border fencing, ensuring more cooperation with third countries and moving forward with the Return Directive. Migrants without a right to stay in Europe must be returned,” stressed EPP Group Vice-Chair Tomas Tobé MEP.

Sustainable, decent and affordable housing for all

Invest in real estate

The EPP Group is in favour of a balanced EU-wide housing strategy. On Wednesday afternoon, the European Parliament will hold a plenary debate on ensuring sustainable, decent and affordable housing in Europe. While housing must remain a national competence, the designation of a European Commissioner for Housing is an opportunity to discuss the housing crisis facing many Member States. "The EU can play a critical role in tackling structural inequalities and ensuring that affordable and decent housing becomes and remains a reality for all,” says Dennis Radtke MEP, the EPP Group’s Spokesman in the Social Affairs Committee. “A housing strategy should encourage investment in private property and unlock the economic potential of housing programmes. We need to make it easier for banks to finance housing,” explains Markus Ferber MEP, the EPP Group's Spokesman in the Economic Committee.


One year after Hamas’ terrorist attack against Israel


"One year after the despicable terrorist attacks against Israel, we mourn all the innocent victims and demand the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages," says Michael Gahler MEP, the EPP Group’s Spokesman on Foreign Affairs ahead of Monday's first anniversary of the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel. “The brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks committed by Hamas against Israel on 7 October 2023 have triggered a conflict that has created a catastrophic humanitarian situation that imperils the stability of the entire region. The recent events in Lebanon and Iran’s direct attacks on Israel seriously threaten to escalate tensions even further. Our unequivocal call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire must not be compromised by the illegal and reckless actions of the Iranian Mullah regime and its proxies. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of the remaining Israeli hostages and continue to reaffirm Israel’s right to self-defence as enshrined in and constrained by international law."