Pripravništvo i programi

Naš petomjesečni staž nudi jedinstvenu priliku za upoznavanje s radom Europskog parlamenta i stjecanja praktičnog znanja o funkcioniranju naše političke skupine. Tijekom cijelog svog pripravništva pripravnike nadgleda administrator iz našeg Tajništva.


Što nudimo

Petomjesečno plaćeno stažiranje

Nudimo petomjesečna stažiranja državljanima EU i kandidatima iz pridruženih zemalja i država kandidatkinja. Pored toga, također pružamo mogućnosti stažiranja za ograničeni broj državljana iz drugih zemalja.

Ova vrsta pripravništva namijenjena je mladima koji imaju visoku stručnu spremu ili su završili tri godine studija (najmanje šest semestara) na sveučilištu ili sličnom visokom učilištu.

Klub EPP-a pokriva troškove života u Bruxellesu uz mjesečni iznos od 1.500 eura.

Neplaćeno, kratkotrajno stažiranje u trajanju do najviše 3 mjeseca (kada je pripravništvo obvezno u okviru sveučilišnih studija)

Ova vrsta pripravništva upućena je studentima koji još uvijek nisu završili barem šest semestara na sveučilištu i kada je pripravništvo obvezan dio studija. To se mora opravdati dopisom sveučilišta. Klub EPP-a može ponuditi ograničen broj ove vrste pripravništva.

Osim toga, Klub EPP-a ima obvezno, osnovno zdravstveno osiguranje i za nezgode za polaznike. Svi polaznici mogu sudjelovati na jednom plenarnom zasjedanju Europskog parlamenta u Strasbourgu.

Kao poslodavci s pružanjem jednakih mogućnosti potičemo prijave mladih s invaliditetom.

Tko se može prijaviti

Za oba stažiranja, za plaćeno i neplaćeno, možete se prijaviti:


  • ako ste državljanin države članice Europske unije ili pridružene ili zemlje kandidatkinje;
  • ako dobro poznajete dva službena jezika EU, od kojih jedan mora biti engleski, francuski ili njemački. Ako ste iz zemlje izvan EU-a, trebate samo znati barem jedan od radnih jezika EU-a (razina B2 ili više);
  • ako niste dobili plaćeni pripravnički staž ni u jednoj instituciji EU, a niste već bili zaposleni nakon što ste završili svoje studije;
  • Za plaćeno pripravništvo: morate imati visoku stručnu spremu, završili ste tri godine studija (najmanje šest semestara) na sveučilištu ili sličnom visokom učilištu;
  • Za neplaćeno pripravništvo: ako niste položili 6 semestara sveučilišnog studija, morate dostaviti potvrdu da je pripravništvo obvezno u okviru vašeg studija i dužinu trajanja.

Kako aplicirati

Ako ste zainteresirani za prijavu za pripravnički staž, samo ispunite naš online obrazac za prijavu.

Važna napomena: Imajte na umu da ćete morati pripremiti neke dokumente unaprijed, poput pisama preporuke i kopije diploma jer će se one morati priložiti uz prijavu.

Za detalje pogledajte poziv na natječaj u nastavku.

Detaljnije informacije o treninzima Kluba EPP-a možete pronaći u the Rules.



Kada aplicirati

Veljača – lipanjOtvorit će se 15. listopad i zatvoriti do 12:00 (CET) 15. studeni
Rujan – veljačaOtvorit će se 15. travnja i zatvoriti do 12:00 (CET) 15. svibnja

Molimo uputite bilo kakve upite oko stažiranja na:

* Nećemo obrađivati nikakve e-poruke poslane izravno članovima osoblja.

Otvoren poziv na natječaj

Please consult the English version of this page to see all our open calls for interest.


Deadlines for applications.

Spring traineeship

15 November 12:00 CET


Candidates will be informed about the outcome of their application.

Spring traineeship

15 December

Traineeship start

Traineeships will start.

Spring traineeship

beginning of February

EPP Group's Directorates

Directorate's mission:

to strengthen the Group’s campaigning organisation, especially in the area of social media communications and in the organisation of Group’s campaigns and events. It is composed of Social Media Unit and Events Unit.

Trainees' job description:

  • Researching market options, providing recommendations for service providers, assisting in drawing up tendering procedures
  • Preparing concepts for photoshoots to support Communication Campaigns
  • Researching, drafting prefaces and proof reading Group Publications in English
  • Providing administrative support to the Events, Protocol, Publications and Programmes Unit team of the EPP Group
  • Attending weekly Events Unit, Press Directorate and Group forward planning meetings

Directorate's mission:

to provide the operational support to the Group’s activities in the field of ICT, HR and Finances.

Trainees' job description:

  • Drafting minutes, briefing notes and other documents
  • Preparing statistics reports on various topics linked to the activity of the unit
  • Assisting the ICT systems administrators in maintaining the Group’s Intranet, Website, internal databases
  • Assisting in preparation of financial statements and analysis
  • Contributing to the realisation of the work assigned to the unit

Directorate's mission:

to coordinate the work of the Parliamentary Committees' and plenary activities, such as legislative and non-legislative reports, amendments, resolutions, etc. It is composed of the Legislative Coordination Unit, WG Economy and Environment, WG Budget and Structural Policies, WG Legal and Home Affairs.

Trainees' job description:

  • Assisting in legislative work: drafting amendments, analysing reports, preparing comments on draft compromises, preparing committee and plenary voting lists
  • Assisting in committee coordination: checking members attendance committee votes, coordinating members speaking slots, supporting liaison and coordination with the Committee Secretariat and the Coordinator’s office, preparing preparatory meetings
  • Taking minutes of Coordinators’ meetings
  • Drafting comments on the items to be voted at the next plenary session, ahead the Group week
  • Writing summaries of EC proposals, minutes of internal meetings, attending stakeholders’ events

Directorate's mission:

to ensure that the legislative initiatives and political objectives of the EPP Group are communicated effectively to the Brussels press corps, European media, interested stakeholders and the public. It is divided into European Press Unit and National Press Unit.

Trainees' job description:

  • Daily monitoring and preparation of the press reviews on the national and European press
  • Editing of the weekly highlights
  • Research and media monitoring of EU hot topics
  • Following the European Commission midday briefing and report on it
  • Following speeches on plenary sessions and preparing draft press releases
  • Drafting main messages for topics in related to the legislative work;
  • Drafting the EPP Group highlights for topics foreseen relevant in the coming week
  • Drafting suggestions of tweets
  • Following of the relevant meetings and writing minutes/briefings;
  • Assisting in the organisation of the press conferences and media events
  • Proof readings, translations

Directorate's mission:

to develop and implement the Group’s outreach to the wider network of the EPP family, enhance the contacts with the National Parliaments and Young Members Network. It consists of EPP Group Network Unit and Intercultural and Religious Dialogue Unit.

Trainees' job description:

  • Assisting in preparation of topical meetings with Members of the national Parliaments, Summits of EPP Group Chairs, Young Members Network, Erasmus for EPP Parliamentarians, SME Circle, Committee meetings
  • Drafting notes and minutes from meetings, events and conferences
  • Contact with MEPs' offices in relation to the Directorate’s activities
  • Preparation of briefings, background research
  • Assisting in the organisation of thematic events
  • Assisting in preparation of publications, reports and newsletters

Directorate's mission:

to ensure the preparation of the work of the political organs of the Group and of the European Parliament. The Group’s archives are included under this Directorate.

Trainees' job description:

  • Writing notes on European policy issues
  • Carrying out background research for speeches, articles and briefings
  • Support in organization of external bureau meetings and EPP Group Academy events
  • Monitoring of opinion polls
  • Research and support in analysis of political documents
  • Participation in relevant meetings of the European Parliament, other European Institutions and stakeholders

Directorate's mission:

to organise the work of the Group’s Committees and Inter-parliamentary Delegations in the field of external policies and to provide assistance to members of the EPP Group in their activities within the Inter-parliamentary Delegations.

Trainees' job description:

  • Attending the committee and Inter-parliamentary Delegations’ meetings, drafting minutes and reporting to the supervisor
  • Monitoring parliamentary activities, perform background research, attend the events, draft briefings and speaking points related to the work of the assigned Committee and Delegation;
  • Assisting with drafting and preparation of the Committee reports, amendments and urgency resolutions
  • Assisting with preparation and follow-up plenary discussions on matters related to the WG Foreign Policies


2 žene se smiju dok gledaju zaslon prijenosnog računala

Erasmus za mlade parlamentarce

Naš Young Member’s Network (YMN) pokrenuo je program Erasmus za mlade parlamentarce, s dva cilja: zbližavanje nacionalnih i europskih političara i stvaranje mreže mladih političara koji će zajednički raditi na izgradnji budućnosti Europe.

Program Erasmus za mlade parlamentarce pruža mladim zastupnicima iz sestrinskih stranaka iz redova EPP-a priliku da dožive kako funkcionira Europski parlament - i kako se priprema zakonodavstvo EU-a. Sudionici provode tjedan dana u Bruxellesu surađujući s mladim zastupnicima na određenoj temi povezanoj s njihovim svakodnevnim radom. Sudjeluju na skupnim sastancima, sastancima odbora i plenarnim sjednicama i susreću se s utjecajima, donositeljima odluka, biračima i novinarima. To je jedinstvena prilika za razmjenu ideja i razvijanje osobnih odnosa.

Ako ste zainteresirani prijaviti se za program, samo pošaljite poruku putem e-pošte, i stupit ćemo u kontakt s vama.

Mreža mladih članova Kluba EPP-a (YMN) pokrivat će vaše troškove smještaja i putovanja.

Potpora za istraživanje

Naš program potpore ima za cilj pomoći istraživačima koji su zainteresirani za povijest, ulogu i utjecaj kršćanske demokracije na proces europskih integracija, te proširiti svoje istraživanje. Jednom godišnje nudi istraživačima pristup primarnim izvorima u Povijesnom arhivu Europske unije u Firenci, arhivu Kluba zastupnika EPP-a u Bruxellesu i / ili Zakladi Konrad Adenauer (KAS) u Sankt Augustinu kod Bonna.

Ako ste zainteresirani za prijavu, trebat ćete poslati vašu prijavu do kraja lipnja, a obavijestit ćemo vas ako ste bili uspješni do kraja srpnja. Uspješni kandidati dobit će potporu za istraživanje od 5000 eura kako bi pokrili troškove vezane uz pristup primarnim izvorima.

Ako želite saznati više o našoj godišnjoj dodjeli stipendija za istraživanja, pogledajte Postgraduate Research Grant(s) on Christian Democracy and European Integration.


Detalj izbliza šarenih akata u ormaru za kartoteku


Najčešća pitanja

We will contact you as soon as possible to inform you about the admission to the traineeship, based on the above-mentioned criteria. Above is an indicative timeline of the traineeship selection procedure.

The EPP Group is an equal opportunities employer that is committed to diversity and to creating inclusive working environment. We encourage applications from qualified women and men who fulfil the job requirements, regardless of their age, race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, sexual identity or any other characteristic.

The EPP Group ensures that applicants' personal data are processed in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, particularly as regards their confidentiality and security and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC.