Izberite državo
Izberite svojo državo, če želite spremljati novice svojih lokalnih evropskih poslancev:
Spodaj navedene države ne objavljajo vsebin v vašem jeziku. Izberite državo, če želite spremljati novice v angleščini ali jeziku(-ih) posamezne države članice:
Izbran jezik: Slovenščina
Kaj iščete?
Direktor(-ica), tisk
Vodja oddelka za evropske medije
Vodja oddelka za nacionalni tisk Tiskovni(-a) predstavnik(-ca) za konferenco o prihodnosti Evrope Nacionalni tisk, portugalski mediji
Press officer for Constitutional Affairs, Legal Affairs, Petitions and for Latvia
Press officer for Foreign Affairs, Development and for Poland
Press officer for Internal Market, Industry, Research, Energy and for Italy
Press officer for Economy, Environment, Employment, Social Affairs, Housing, Health and for Ireland
Press officer for Transport, Environment, Climate, Food Safety and for the Netherlands
Press officer for Budget, Structural Policies and for France
Press officer for Foreign Affairs and for Greece
Press officer for Health, Environment, Climate, Food Safety and for Italy
Press officer for Economy, Environment, Monetary Affairs, Taxes and for Germany
Press officer for Democracy Shield, Culture, Education and for Croatia
Press officer for Agriculture and Regions; Assistant for communication planning
Press officer for Budget, Structural Policies and for Slovenia
Press officer for Legal and Home Affairs, Civil Liberties, Justice, Gender Equality, Democracy Shield and for Czech Republic
Press officer for Defence, Human Rights and for Finland
Press officer for Housing, Industry, Research, Energy and for Belgium and Luxembourg
Press officer for Trade, Foreign Affairs and for Estonia
Press officer for Legal and Home Affairs, Civil Liberties, Justice, Constitutional Affairs and for Sweden
Press officer for Fisheries, Budgetary Control and for Spain
Press officer for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Taxes, Transport and for Austria
Press officer for Petitions, Gender Equality, Civil Liberties, Justice, Home Affairs and for Lithuania
Press officer for Employment, Internal Market and for Portugal
Press officer for Budget, Agriculture and for Germany
Press officer for Regions, Budget and for Bulgaria
Press officer for Culture, Education, Civil Liberties, Justice, Home Affairs and for Cyprus
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