Current plan for EU ethics body infringes rule of law

13.03.2024 18:44

Current plan for EU ethics body infringes rule of law


The EPP Group strongly criticises the outcome of the recent negotiations on establishing an ethics body within the European Union and calls on all political groups in the European Parliament to reject the agreement and establish a standard-setting body instead.

“The agreement on the Ethics Body as negotiated is poorly drafted. The new institution lacks any legal basis in the Treaties, making its decisions vulnerable to challenges in court. The Council as one of the key legislators of the EU will not be subject to the substance of the agreement. The Body will have its own-initiative powers without parliamentary supervision, which infringes on the free mandate and the rule of law,” says Sven Simon MEP, the EPP Group Spokesman on Constitutional Affairs.

"Placing of the secretariat of the Body in the Commission's domain turns the constitutional principle of separation of powers upside down and endangers the independence of the legislative in the EU. In effect, this will establish a disciplinary chamber for the legislative. Given current debates on the rule of law in some Member States, this sets a dangerous precedent and can serve as a blueprint for weakening parliaments throughout the Union. The agreement constitutes a frontal attack on the European Parliament from within. The EPP Group calls on all political groups to reject the agreement and to establish a standard-setting body instead. Compliance with the rules must necessarily be subject to a judicial procedure and the ECJ,” stresses Simon.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 178 Members from all EU Member States

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