Casa calls for Venice Commission mandate to investigate Sofia inquiry refusal

14.04.2023 11:45

Casa calls for Venice Commission mandate to investigate Sofia inquiry refusal

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David Casa MEP
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MEP David Casa urged the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to raise the issue at the Assembly, and mandate an investigation into the Maltese Government’s refusal to launch an independent public inquiry into the death of Jean Paul Sofia.

“Failing an independent, dedicated institution to ensure human rights compliance in Malta, it falls on the Parliamentary Assembly to probe member states' governments for their compliance with the Convention,” Casa asserted.

Casa urged PACE to mandate the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) to investigate the persistent refusal of the Maltese Government to abide by its international obligation to the detriment of its citizens.

“The European Convention on Human Rights guarantees enjoyment, above all, of the right to life. When a person’s life is taken or lost, the state has positive obligations to conduct an effective investigation into the death of one of its citizens,” Casa explained.

The refusal to grant an independent public inquiry for Jean Paul Sofia was not an isolated incident, according to Casa, as he referred to the prolonged international campaign to secure an independent public inquiry for Daphne Caruana Galizia.

“Such an effort should not be required every time.” He claimed that “there are compelling reasons for an independent, public inquiry into the death of Jean Paul Sofia. 

“His mother deserves closure.”

“She deserves to know precisely why her son is no longer with us, what led to his demise, whether regulations were breached that were meant to keep him safe, and whether individuals are responsible and answerable for her son’s loss.”

“The families of lost loved ones in Malta must be protected by the Convention,” Casa concluded.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 176 Members from all EU Member States

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