End Violence Against Women

Women are safe in Europe. Or are they?  It is highly alarming that one-third of women in the EU have experienced some form of physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15.

We have zero tolerance for any form of violence against women and girls and 100% determination to combat it. In fact, the EPP Group led EU accession to the Istanbul Convention. For the first time, we will have a legally-binding international treaty to fight violence against women.

Besides, we have also led the negotiations for a Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence. This new EU Directive criminalises two types of sexual violence and five types of cyber offences against women.

However, we deeply regret that no agreement was reached on the criminalisation of rape. But we managed to include in the Directive requirements to promote the central role of consent in sexual relationships and take targeted measures for the rape prevention.

Women must be free from fear everywhere in Europe.

End Violence Against Women

Young woman sitting in empty hallway covering her eyes under the shadow of a man
opinion 15.02.2024

Europe puts a stop to violence against women

Keys in one hand, phone in the other, live location shared with friends and a message saying “text me when you get home”; these precautions sound sadly familiar to most women. They are basic measures that many women and girls feel compelled to take whe...

Gender Equality
publications 17.12.2020

EPP Group Position Paper on Gender Equality

1. Addressing Violence Against Women: Human trafficking Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Cyber violence and hate speech Sexual harassment 2. Building an Inclusive Economy: Gender mainstreaming of the labour market: women’s e...
