Sport is for everyone

26.10.2021 16:14

Sport is for everyone

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Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole

Marathon Runners [nid:48961]
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MEPs in the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) adopted today a report on the future of EU sports policy. MEPs underline the positive role sport can play both in rebuilding economies and social relations after a pandemic and in keeping people healthy. Greater visibility of sport policy, enhanced cooperation between institutions and the sport sector and coordination between them are the recipe for success for the next decade. 

"Sport and its values need more visibility and action in the EU. We believe that in order to improve sport policy in the future, it is essential that all organisations involved in sport and public institutions work together. They need to develop common objectives and a coherent action plan. Sport should once again be in the portfolio of the responsible EU Commissioner, and the European Commission should appoint a separate EU sport coordinator" - explains Tomasz Frankowski, former member of the Polish national football team and author of the report.

Tomasz Frankowski stresses that sport should serve and benefit everyone, not just the elite and professional levels. MEPs are therefore in favour of more funding for grassroots sport and a redistribution of funds between professional and amateur sport. Support for the sports sector should include, among other things, educational and social programmes for players, coaches and sports staff, as well as investment in equipment and infrastructure.

"The main task is to enhance a European sports model and protect it from threats such as the attempted Super League. Today we are sending a very clear message. Sport is everyone's right. We must ensure that it is safe, accessible, inclusive and equal for all. We must achieve the right balance between the pursuit of commercial interests and the social functions of sport". - emphasises Tomasz Frankowski.

The MEP also draws attention to the benefits of sport for children. "In view of the growing problems of obesity and inactivity, especially among young people, we suggest physical activity classes in and out of schools every day" - he says. 

At the same time, MEPs criticised plans to hold the World Cup every two years and opposed hosting major sporting events in countries where human rights are violated. "Sport should not serve dictators" - Tomasz Frankowski said.

The document will be voted on by the Parliament at a plenary session in November. 

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 179 Members from all EU Member States

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