Statement Reimer Böge on MFF

20.06.2013 11:15

Statement Reimer Böge on MFF

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Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole
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 The rapporteur of the European Parliament on the EU's multiannual financial framework (MFF), Reimer Boege MEP (EPP/DE), today issued the following statement:

"Despite numerous efforts and the dedicated work by of the European Parliament's negotiating team it proved impossible yesterday to obtain a truly sustainable offer from the Irish Presidency on the EU's multi-annual financial framework (MFF). The statement by the Irish Presidency of an alleged agreement on the financial framework is nothing more than a manipulation. The European Parliament's negotiating team last night decided not to continue the negotiations, if they can be called such at all, and submit the texts to the European Parliament".

"The negotiating team as a whole sees itself unable to defend yesterday's outcome, or regard it as a suitable basis for the EU's budgetary policy for the next seven years. The Irish Presidency has, in fact, exceeded the negotiating mandate it was given by the Council. Nevertheless, I consider the results to be insufficient for a financial planning period of seven years. This applies to the content and substance as well as for the fact that an agreement would be binding for a newly elected Parliament in its annual budget process up until 2020."

"The Irish Presidency has stated that it will only submit the texts now available to the General Affairs Council on 25 June if there is, by then, a clarification by parliament that the negotiating team and the relevant political groups will support and defend this result."

"I do not want to stand in the way of a possible vote in the plenary of the European Parliament. I cannot, however, offer my binding support for, let alone defence of, the present texts. That is why I decided to lay down my post as rapporteur for the multi-annual financial framework, a position I held since 2004."

"I ask everyone to accept this decision and am grateful for the experience I was fortunate enough to collect throughout this time, as well as the support that was given to me. I look forward to new challenges, of which there are many in a Europe struggling over its own future: the consolidation of the EU, the economic and sustainable renewal, the fight for a Europe of the citizens, of parliamentary rights, and more democracy never ends!"

Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 269 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.

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