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29.06.2021 12:09
More money for third countries to manage migration at EU borders
The EPP Group voted today for more funds for migration and border management at the EU's external borders. Also, the funding rules for police forces fighting organised crime and terrorism have been updated.
“The EPP Group has been calling for additional financing for migration management for a long time”, said Jeroen Lenaers MEP, the EPP Group’s Spokesman in the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee and negotiator of the Asylum and Migration Fund. “A fund of €9.882 billion comes with great responsibility. We, the EPP Group, have ensured that the money will be spent effectively and efficiently. It was key for our Group to maintain sufficient spending flexibility to address new priorities and emerging needs."
"I am happy that we got rid of the limitation on spending in other countries, as we believe that cooperation with third countries is essential to facilitate reintegration or prevent irregular migration. I am convinced that this reinforced fund will provide a solid financial backbone for a migration and asylum management system that is both effective and humane”, Lenaers continued.
Today's vote in the committee paves the way for the final approval of the rules in next week's plenary of the European Parliament.
“We need to effectively manage our EU external borders”, underlined Tom Vandenkendelaere MEP, the EPP Group's negotiator of the €5.241 billion fund for border management and visas. “This is crucial in the fight against irregular migration, terrorism and serious crime. At the same time, we also need a harmonised approach for issuing visas. This is the only way to ensure the effective functioning of the Schengen area while safeguarding its integrity and internal security. We fully support the creation of this new fund to help Member States that face challenges at the external borders of Europe.”
“The Internal Security Fund of the European Union is the great promise to protect EU citizens”, stressed Monika Hohlmeier MEP, Parliament's negotiator of the Internal Security Fund. “With a budget of €1.931 billion for the period 2021-2027 and extended competences to tackle and prevent terrorism and the fight against organised crime, we are equipping the Union and the Member States to fight all security threats. The funds also allow us to focus more on cybercrime and help and protect victims of crime, something that has been long overdue.”
Note to editors
The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 177 Members from all EU Member States
Committee Vice-Coordinator
former EPP Group MEP
Press officer for Legal and Home Affairs, Civil Liberties, Justice, Constitutional Affairs and for Sweden
Press officer for Foreign Affairs and for Greece
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