EU Budget 2018: European Parliament Rejects Council Cuts and Proposes More Money for Jobs and Security

27.09.2017 8:19

EU Budget 2018: European Parliament Rejects Council Cuts and Proposes More Money for Jobs and Security

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Today, the European Parliament's Budgets Committee has approved the amendments to the EU Budget 2018 by large majority, as proposed by MEP Siegfried Mureșan (EPP), the European Parliament’s chief negotiator. Siegfried Mureșan's compromise proposals target the increase of budget appropriations for job creation for young people as well as for security, while rejecting and restoring all Council cuts.

“My objective is to ensure that the EU Budget generates sustainable growth and jobs in the EU, especially for young people, while ensuring the security of its citizens. The €160 billion budget proposed by the European Commission is drafted around these three main priorities. Yet, the Council proposed cuts of €1.7 billion, mainly from research, innovation and infrastructure. Agreeing with the Council’s position means to agree to a budget that weakens the EU, instead of making it stronger. Under these circumstances, we would not be able to deliver what our citizens expect. This is why I proposed to reject and restore all Council cuts and to increase budget appropriations for job creation for young people as well as for security”, MEP Siegfried Mureșan added.

My objective is to ensure that the EU Budget generates sustainable growth and jobs in the EU Muresan MEP

“Youth unemployment remains too high across Europe. We want to avoid endangering the future of an entire generation of young Europeans, therefore we proposed to increase the budget of the Youth Employment Initiative to €600 million in 2018. Furthermore, we proposed to grant an additional €50 million to support young farmers in order to reduce youth unemployment in rural areas. We also proposed an increase of €143 million for research, innovation and environmental programmes to ensure sustainable development. Security remains a top priority on our agenda. This is why we proposed an increase of €80 million for several migration and security budgetary lines and agencies with migration and asylum-related tasks. For more stability in the EU's neighbourhood we proposed an increase of €299 million for EU’s external action, which includes the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood”, MEP Siegfried Mureșan said.

Note to editors

<p>Raportorul Parlamentului European (denumit și negociator-șef) pentru bugetul anual al Uniunii Europene trasează prioritățile politice ale Parlamentului pentru bugetul european și negociază, &icirc;n numele acestuia, cu președinția Consiliului UE și cu Comisia Europeană forma finală a bugetului anual. Procedura bugetară anuală a &icirc;nceput oficial odată cu transmiterea de către Comisia Europeană către Parlamentul European și Consiliul Uniunii Europene a proiectului de buget pentru anul 2018. Consiliul UE se pronunță &icirc;n primă fază asupra acestei propuneri, iar, apoi, Parlamentul European poate amenda această poziție a Consiliului UE. Ca urmare, se poate ajunge la procedura de conciliere bugetară, &icirc;n care Consiliul UE, pe de o parte, şi Parlamentul European, pe de alta, negociază forma finală a bugetului pentru anul următor, care trebuie să se facă &icirc;n termen de maximum 21 de zile de la demararea procedurii de conciliere. După aceasta, Parlamentul European votează &icirc;n plen forma finală a bugetului anual. &Icirc;n cazul &icirc;n care &icirc;n cele 21 de zile prevăzute de procedura concilierii, cele două instituții nu reușesc să ajungă la un acord, Comisia Europeană este obligată să prezinte un nou proiect de buget, iar procedura enunțată mai sus se reia. Consiliul se pronunță și asupra acestui proiect, Parlamentul din nou poate amenda poziția Consiliului, iar, ulterior, se intră &icirc;ntr-o nouă conciliere bugetară.</p> <p>Siegfried Mureșan este primul rom&acirc;n desemnat negociator-șef al Parlamentului European pentru Bugetul anual al UE.</p>

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