Equality before the law also applies to Fico and Kaliňák

26.04.2022 10:08

Equality before the law also applies to Fico and Kaliňák

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Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole

Judge hammer

On the initiative of the head of the Slovak delegation to the Group of the European People's Party in the European Parliament, Ivan Štefanec (KDH), Slovak MEPs have responded to complaints by Robert Fico to the President of the European Commission and its members, in which Fico speaks of fabricated accusations against his person, including forging the signature of an investigator. In the letter, MEP Ivan Štefanec says that the accusation is proof of the functioning of the rule of law and the functionality of institutions, which are supposed to fulfil their duties regardless of political parties. His letter to the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Parliament was signed by eight other Slovak MEPs.

"We fundamentally reject Robert Fico's statements about politicising the accusations. It was ex-Prime Minister Fico who under his governments in Slovakia limited the independence of institutions and created a system of privileged caste of 'his people' and when many institutions were abused against political rivals."

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