2nd Transatlantic Summit: Political Network for Values brings together key political players and civil society leaders in the European Parliament

27.04.2017 15:45

2nd Transatlantic Summit: Political Network for Values brings together key political players and civil society leaders in the European Parliament

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On Thursday, April 27th and Friday, April 28th, the Political Network for Values is organising the 2nd Transatlantic Summit at the European Parliament in Brussels. The theme for this edition will be “Person, Family and Society: Global Challenges, Global Solutions” and will bring together more than 100 politicians, Civil Society leaders, academics and young leaders from more than 30 countries. The event is hosted by a Member of the European Parliament, Laima Liucija Andrikiene and the EPP Group.

The 2nd Transatlantic Summit will provide a platform for members of the European Parliament and national legislators from Europe, Latin America and North America as well as other regions of the world such as Africa. The inauguration of the Summit will include an opening speech by Jaime Mayor Oreja (President of the Political Network for Values) and Laima Andrikiene MEP. The Political Network for Values is further honored to welcome His Excellency Gintaras Grusas, archbishop of Vilnius as a special guest of the Summit.

“For the very first time Transatlantic Summit for Values is taking place in Europe and in the European Parliament. It is our honour to host this event. In the turbulent world we live today we need to stay united for our values and our transatlantic cooperation is of crucial importance. Our network of legislators from both sides of the Atlantic, from Africa and other parts of the world should be spiritus movens in creating a better society based on Christian values,”  Mrs Andrikiene pointed out in her welcoming address.

The Summit is a forum, which will highlight issues related to the institution of marriage, the family, human life, human dignity, religious freedom and freedom of conscience in international organizations in a context in which, as Jaime Mayor, Chair of the network, says: “a liquid society begins to undermine its own foundations. Intellectual weakness and political correctness demand for a thought police to delegitimize and marginalize the heterodox.”

We, however, “will not allow ourselves to be trampled over, whether by the New World Order or by reactive extremism. It is imperative to formulate an answer from the values of the Greco-Latin and Judeo-Christian heritage of Western Culture.”

The first day of the Summit will give an opportunity to politicians, academics and Civil Society leaders to share their experience on emerging topics and promote inspiring political initiatives. The second day of the Summit will be focused on calling to action and setting the foundation for the implementation of a political agenda plan.

Within the Summit, a special program will unfold for young people who aspire to take responsibility for the future and who are committed to an understanding of leadership as service. These young people will live a unique experience encountering global political and Civil Society leaders who promote human dignity and the common good. 

The Political Network for Values and their allied organizations are centered on the need to establish a legislative agenda and the collaboration between political peers to promote shared values on issues of life, marriage, the family and fundamental rights in a globalized political context.

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