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08.04.2022 9:00
Embargo Russian coal, oil and gas now
Important notice
Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole
The five Irish EPP Group (Fine Gael) MEPs have welcomed the highly significant European Parliament vote in favour of a full and immediate embargo of EU imports of Russian coal, oil, nuclear energy and gas – which they supported during plenary votes in Strasbourg this week. Some 413 MEPs voted in favour of that particular amendment, 93 against and 46 abstained.
Some days prior to this vote, Seán Kelly, Frances Fitzgerald, Deirdre Clune, Maria Walsh and Colm Markey had already jointly called for the EU to fully ban the import of Russian energy supplies in response to the illegal war in Ukraine and the abhorrent war crimes being inflicted on the people of Ukraine.
The MEPs backed the Parliament’s Resolution on the latest developments of the war in Ukraine and the EU sanctions against Russia in expressing outrage and indignation over the atrocities committed to by the Russian armed forces in a number of occupied Ukrainian towns, such as Bucha. They reiterated the call for the investigation and prosecution of war crimes.
"President Putin and his troops are responsible for horrific war crimes in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is unjustified and the cruelty inflicted on children, women and men there must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. We must do all we can to stop this war and that includes cutting off the euros that fund Putin's war atrocities. The time is now – we cannot wait", said Seán Kelly MEP, Leader of Fine Gael in the European Parliament.
"The Fine Gael delegation calls on the EU to immediately ban all EU imports of Russian coal, oil and gas. We understand concerns for the impact of such stringent measures and the economic ramifications for Europeans. We must ensure we act swiftly to secure as much as possible new energy supplies and fast track home-grown generation. Member States must be given all available tools to help protect citizens against rising energy costs, especially the most vulnerable", he underlined.
"However, it is our view that all efforts must be concentrated on ending this war and tougher sanctions and measures are necessary. Putin has not shown any genuine will towards finding a peaceful resolution. We implore the Russian Federation to enable safe humanitarian corridors, to stop all attacks on Ukraine, and to withdraw from this sovereign country completely.”
"We again showed our clear support for the EU institutions to work towards granting EU candidate status to Ukraine, as a clear political signal of commitment, in line with treaty provisions and on the basis of merit.”
"Today, we think of all those lives needlessly lost in Ukraine, all those who have suffered and repeat that we stand firmly with Ukraine and its people", Kelly concluded.
Note to editors
The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 177 Members from all EU Member States
Head of Delegation
former EPP Group MEP
Press officer for Economy, Environment, Employment, Social Affairs, Housing, Health and for Ireland
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