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27.04.2018 11:02
Campaign to protect terminally ill workers
Important notice
Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole
Deirdre Clune MEP’s campaign to prevent the discrimination of terminally ill workers, such as cancer patients, and ensure that they can continue working should they wish to, has been adopted as a priority by the Group of the European People’s Party in their Position Paper on Cancer launched at the European Parliament, Brussels this week.
The EPP Group outlined its aims including the doubling of EU spending on cancer research by 2024, committing itself to making the fight against cancer in Europe a priority. Cooperation in the fields of research, prevention, diagnosis and best care are highlighted in the paper as well as “taking care of cancer survivors” and “terminal illness at the workplace”, proposed by MEP Clune.
“I am delighted that the EPP Group agreed to include the very important priorities of protecting cancer survivors against discrimination and stating that ‘People who are terminally ill should be allowed to continue to work if they want to do so’,” MEP Clune said in Brussels.
The Ireland South MEP recently launched the European Dying to Work campaign calling for a protected employment status under EU law for terminally ill workers, similar to pregnant workers, in order to prevent unfair dismissals or treatment:
“As it stands, there are no specific protections for terminally ill employees under EU law. That is why I am supporting the European Dying to Work Campaign, which originated in the UK to prevent cases of the unfair dismissal or treatment of terminally ill employees. We are calling for the introduction of EU legislation to the safeguard of the rights of employees by identifying terminal illness as a protected characteristic. That could be achieved by providing such employees with a "protected" employment status under EU law, similar to that which is contained within the Pregnant Workers Directive,” she said.
The Ireland South MEP (Fine Gael) further welcomed the EPP Group’s commitment to seek out more cancer research funding, and support the fight against cancer, including childhood cancer.
“We, as Members of the EPP Group, are calling on the European Commission, the European Parliament and Member States to agree to the points listed in the proposed position paper on Cancer, including the right to work of the terminally ill, and take action,” Clune added.
Note to editors
The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 219 Members from 28 Member States
former EPP Group MEP
Press officer for Economy, Environment, Employment, Social Affairs, Housing, Health and for Ireland
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