Strengthening Europe's industry: EPP Group meeting in Dresden

14.05.2013 9:15

Strengthening Europe's industry: EPP Group meeting in Dresden

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The Bureau of the EPP Group in the European Parliament will hold two-day political talks in Dresden, Germany, to discuss ways to strengthen Europe's industry against the background of continuing high unemployment and weak demand in several EU Member States. The discussions on 16 and 17 May, on the invitation of the CDU Minister-President of Saxony and former EPP Group Member, Stanislaw Tillich, will concentrate on exploring ways to build on and improve Europe's industrial base as a means for generating economic growth and fostering new employment opportunities.

The opening remarks by EPP Group Chairman Joseph Daul MEP, Herbert Reul MEP, Chairman of the German CDU-CSU Delegation of the EPP Group in the European Parliament (CDU), and Co-Chair Markus Ferber MEP (CSU) will be followed by a discussion with the European Commissioner for Energy, Günther Oettinger, the Rector of Dresden University of Technology, Hans Müller-Steinhagen, and the Senior Vice-President and General Manager of GLOBALFOUNDRIES Dresden, Rutger Wijburg.

A second panel discussion on economic and social recovery will feature European Commission Vice-President responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship, Antonio Tajani, former French Prime Minister François Fillon, and the CEO and Director-General of the Federation of German Industries, Markus Kerber.

The third and last panel will deal with trans-border crime, drug trafficking, cyber crime and asylum and will see the State Minister for Home Affairs of Saxony, Markus Ulbig, debate with Véronique Mathieu Houillon MEP, EPP Group Coordinator in the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee of the European Parliament.

The EPP Group Chairman Joseph Daul will also award the Group's Schuman Medal to the writer and former East German dissident Reiner Kunze, who dedicated his life to criticising the GDR dictatorship and fighting for the freedom and liberty of the individual in the face of oppression.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 269 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.

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