Online cross-border shopping will be easier and safer

15.12.2015 16:53

Online cross-border shopping will be easier and safer

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The EPP Group welcomes the Commission's new legislative proposal on the online sale of tangible goods and of digital content.

Following an in-depth discussion with Commissioner Věra Jourová at an extraordinary meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs, EPP Group members expressed their satisfaction with the proposal.

“We have long been waiting for these new proposals in the area of contract law. The two proposals for directives on European contract law are an important component for the development of the European Digital Single Market. The focus on uniform contract rules for the supply of digital content and for online and other distance sales of goods is also a response to, and builds upon, the first reading position of the European Parliament, adopted in 2014, on Common European Sales Law,” said Tadeusz Zwiefka, the EPP Group spokesperson on Legal Affairs.

“We will ensure in future negotiations with the Council that the proposals are consistent with the regulation on data protection and that online and offline distribution channels are treated coherently. We hope that we will be able to give to European citizens and businesses an effective and operational system for online sales,” said Axel Voss, the European Parliament's lead negotiator.

“In the negotiations on Common European Sales Law, the Parliament argued in support of harmonised contract rules on online distance sales. Currently, fragmented European contract law prevents companies from selling online across borders and lowers consumer confidence in cross-border online purchases. This needs to be resolved,” said Pavel Svoboda, Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee.

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