Cohesion Policy: 50% of the funds to be used in clean energies projects

18.12.2012 14:30

Cohesion Policy: 50% of the funds to be used in clean energies projects

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For the first time, the European Commission has reserved substantial resources for the energy sector under the European Regional Development Fund. A minimum 50% of the funds will be used for investments in the 'low-carbon economy'. The Regional Development Committee today adopted a Report by Lena Kolarska-Bobińska MEP on financing the energy sector from the Cohesion Policy funds. In the Report, the Parliament emphasises that the funded projects should primarily support the objectives of cohesion policy - building regional development and minimising the differences between regions.

"European energy projects can contribute to regional development and create more jobs. It can be done by, among others, investments in decentralised energy sources, energy efficiency and the expansion of energy infrastructure", said Lena Kolarska-Bobińska after the vote.

However, according to the MEP, it is necessary to take the specific and various needs of regions in Europe into account.

"There is no single template matching all the regions. Some have to invest in the renovation of buildings; others lack basic transmissions networks, including those for gas. We need different types of projects which connect regions in the pursuit of common European goals", she added. Therefore, the Report underlines the important role of regional authorities in the negotiations of agreements between the European Commission and the Member States.

According to Lena Kolarska-Bobińska, cohesion programmes should not be seen as a replacement funding of energy policy. "Cohesion policy is not a piggy bank which can be broken open when searching for funding for other Commission programmes", she said.

The plenary vote on the Report will take place during the January session in Strasbourg.


Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 270 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.

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