Use EU money better to build infrastructure and create jobs

06.07.2021 10:10

Use EU money better to build infrastructure and create jobs

Man sitting on a train working on a laptop

The EPP Group is calling on all EU Member States to use available EU funding effectively to bridge gaps in rail, road, energy and digital infrastructure. Only by doing so across all European regions, will we create new jobs. This is the message of the EPP Group ahead of the final decision on the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU’s programme for financing future infrastructure projects.

“The CEF will modernise transport connections all over Europe and contribute especially to make the 'shift to rail' slogan finally happen. Filling missing links thanks to the CEF, will not only strengthen mobility of people and goods. Stronger, more resilient and sustainable transport networks will help reduce CO2 emissions, make Europe more competitive, and above all, will create jobs, jobs, jobs”, said Marian-Jean Marinescu MEP, co-negotiator of the CEF in Parliament's Transport and Tourism Committee.

Henna Virkkunen MEP, co-negotiator of the CEF in Parliament's Industry, Research and Energy Committee, also underlined the massive potential of modernisation of cross-border connectivity. "Strengthening synergies in energy, digital and transport infrastructure will integrate Europe and secure its competitiveness. Incentives for cross-border energy projects is a big step in creating more sustainable energy systems and advanced and more accessible digital networks, including 5G will create more social and economic opportunities for citizens and businesses. These provide real European added value and contribute to growth and job creation.”

The European Parliament debates and votes on the programme today. €33.7 billion will be available from 2021 to 2027. €25.8 billion goes to developing and modernising rail, road, inland waterway and maritime infrastructure, as well as ensuring safe and secure mobility. €5.8 billion goes to energy projects and €2.1 billion to the digital sector.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 177 Members from all EU Member States

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