Russia: fair trial for Alexey Navalny

15.01.2015 11:48

Russia: fair trial for Alexey Navalny

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The EPP Group strongly deplores the prosecution of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny which appears to be politically-motivated. In a Resolution on Russia, in particular on the case of Alexey Navalny, adopted today by the European Parliament, the Russian judicial and law enforcement authorities are urged to carry out their duties in an impartial manner, independent of political interference and in conformity with internationally-accepted standards.

The EPP Group Spokesman on Foreign Affairs and the initiator of the Resolution, Cristian Preda MEP, underlined how the law is being used as a political instrument: "A fierce critic of those who are in power in Russia, Navalny clearly appeared as a powerful rival for Putin in recent years. The Kremlin's reaction was quick. Alexei Navalny was arrested for several days in 2011 and in 2013, accused of stealing timber. In December 2014, he was sentenced to three and half years for defrauding a French company. These convictions, these trials, are not in any way accidental. They once again prove that those who run Russia today have inherited Stalinist political practices."

The European Parliament Resolution fully backs the campaign against corruption in Russia initiated by Alexey Navalny and supports the Russian people in finding a settlement to ensure democracy, political pluralism, unity and the respect of human rights.

"The separation of politics and the judiciary, accepting the existence of an opposition, and freedom of expression are completely alien principles in modern day Russia", said Preda.

MEPs underlined that judicial decisions need to be free from political interference, independent, and in full compliance with the rule of law and asks the EU High Representative to come up, as a matter of urgency, with a comprehensive strategy towards Russia aimed at maintaining the territorial integrity and sovereignty of European states, and at supporting, at the same time, the strengthening of democratic principles, respect for human rights and the rule of law in Russia.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 219 Members from 27 Member States

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