Next MFF must match EU ambitions

10.10.2017 10:37

Next MFF must match EU ambitions

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Today, the European Parliament’s Budgets Committee adopted its position on Commissioner Oettinger's reflection paper on the future of EU finances.

"The EPP Group is committed to fighting for an EU budget that will ensure an appropriate level of financial support to fulfil the ambitions of the European Union. The Resolution is a first step in this direction and prepares the ground for future negotiations on the next Multiannual Financial Framework. The EPP Group welcomes in particular the engagement of the whole committee expressed by today's vote to start a constructive dialogue with the Commission and the Council with the aim of reaching a final agreement on the next MFF before the end of this parliamentary term", said Jan Olbrycht MEP, co-rapporteur of the MFF.

"The next MFF should be defined in this legislature to ensure predictability, stability and confidence and, at the same time, provide the financial resources of the MFF to correspond to the objectives that the EU proposes. Research and innovation, support for youth and youth employment, cohesion policy, support for farmers, rural development, security and defence are some examples of priority areas that need adequate funding. Also there are new priorities that must have additional funding”, stated José Manuel Fernandes, the EPP Group’ Spokesman in the Budgets Committee.

Today’s Resolution is the European Parliament’s reaction to the last of the reflection papers following the White Paper on the Future of Europe presented by the European Commission. It translates the White Paper’s five scenarios into budgetary terms.

The MFF lays down the maximum annual amounts which the EU may spend in different political fields over a period of at least five years.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 216 Members from 27 Member States

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