Iran: old men mustn't tell young women how to dress and live

04.10.2022 11:04

Iran: old men mustn't tell young women how to dress and live

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The EPP Group strongly condemns the killing of Masha Amini and calls on the Iranian authorities to immediately stop the brutal repression and use of violence against protestors. Iran should allow for a transparent investigation into the events in cooperation with international organisations, EPP Group Members said ahead of today’s debate in the European Parliament on the repression of protesters in Iran.

“We support the Iranians' peaceful efforts in pursuit of human rights and freedom. They have a full right to live in a free, stable and democratic country. Iranian women and human rights defenders who are keeping on with their activity despite the difficulties and personal repressions they face, have our full support”, said David Lega MEP, EPP Group Spokesman on Iran.

“It is high time that the old men stop preaching to young women on how to dress and live”, stressed Michael Gahler MEP, EPP Group Spokesman for Foreign Affairs.

Both MEPs recall that Iran is a signatory of international treaties which grant its citizens, including women, the right to enjoy basic rights and freedoms. The Iranian authorities also have an obligation to respect freedom of expression and belief of all the people living there, especially women and girls. Both Lega and Gahler deplore that women are obliged to wear a veil against their will, under fear of violent reprisals or even death.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 176 Members from all EU Member States

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