Innovate Renewables and Hydrogen 

13.09.2022 18:00

Innovate Renewables and Hydrogen 

Female engineer standing on top of a wind turbine.

“A much higher share of renewables is needed, and faster too. If we want to achieve the European climate targets, we must achieve the 45 percent target of renewables by 2030”, declared Markus Pieper MEP, the European Parliament's Negotiator of the Renewable Energy Directive.

This afternoon, Members of the European Parliament debated the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III). Renewable energy is of the utmost importance for Europe's contribution to the Paris Climate Agreement, the achievement of climate neutrality for 2050 and Europe’s energy independence.

“Renewables will make us more independent while ensuring affordable energy. In doing so, we need to strengthen the internal energy market and focus on innovation. Our technologies must set the global standard. We do not only want to increase the targets, but also propose pragmatic solutions for achieving them. There is a need for innovation quotas and a simpler, more digital system for the hydrogen market”, Pieper stated.

The EPP Group wants to see a hydrogen import strategy agreed with EU governments setting indicative milestones.

“We need a diversified import strategy for hydrogen because we will not be able to produce everything on our own. Our proposals also include modern and digital solutions for this young market. We want less bureaucracy and more planning certainty", concluded Pieper.

In July 2021, the European Commission proposed the so-called 'Fit for 55' package, a central part of the European Green Deal, adapting existing climate and energy legislation to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

One element in the law package concerns the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive. With it, the European Commission proposed an increase of the share of renewable energies in energy consumption from 32 percent (RED II) to 40 percent (RED III) by 2030.

The European Parliament’s vote is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 176 Members from all EU Member States

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