EPP Group strongly supports young farmers

07.04.2016 13:29

EPP Group strongly supports young farmers

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“Without young farmers, agriculture has no future and without a strong agricultural sector, the European project will collapse”, said Nuno Melo MEP on the occasion of the 3rd European Congress of Young Farmers which took place on 7-8 April in the European Parliament. The congress was organised in collaboration with Esther Herranz MEP and supported by the EPP Group.

Nuno Melo pointed out the consequences of the systematic reduction in the number of farmers and young farmers: “We cannot compromise the EU’s food autonomy, the rational use of land, the environmental preservation of territories nor the jobs and wealth that agriculture generates in our common space. In the European Parliament, the EPP Group wants to be part of the solution.”

The 3rd European Congress of Young Farmers gathered more than 200 farmers from 17 different Member States in Brussels and was organised in cooperation with the Confederation of Portuguese Farmers (CAP) and the Spanish Farmers' Organisation (ASAJA) as an excellent opportunity to share their experiences, knowledge and best practices.

“This congress is important to acknowledge and celebrate the vital work that young European farmers are doing for agriculture, not only for today but also for the future, given the ageing trend that the rural population is suffering”, recalled Esther Herranz MEP.

Closing the congress, an independent jury chose the best young farmer overall, the most sustainable project and the most innovative project.

“We must promote this important sector. It is necessary to give visibility and recognition to the efforts which are being made because it positively affects all European citizens who have quality agricultural products at their disposal produced on our continent”, concluded Herranz.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 215 Members from 27 Member States

<p>The EPP Group promotes and supports the activities of young farmers as we believe that they represent the future of agriculture in the EU. This is why 21 EPP Group MEPs have acted as Ambassadors for young farmers in their Member States: Nuno Melo (Portugal), Esther Herranz (Spain), Sandra Kalniete (Latvia), Norbert Erdos (Hungary), Daniel Buda (Romania), Herbert Dorfmann (Italia), Czesław Siekierski (Poland), Elisabeth K&ouml;stinger (Austria), Mairead McGuinness (Ireland), Marijana Petir (Croatia), Franc Bogovič (Slovenia), Manolis Kefalogiannis (Greece), Nobert Lins (Germany), Gieseke Jens (Germany), Annie Schreijer-Pierik (Netherlands), Vladimir Urutchev (Bulgaria), Albert De&szlig; (Germany), Angelique Delahaye (France), Jarosław Kalinowski (Poland), Andrzej Grzyb (Poland) and Krzysztof Hetman (Poland).</p>

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