Inquiry into tax fairness: special committee should start work immediately

05.02.2015 12:30

Inquiry into tax fairness: special committee should start work immediately

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"The EPP Group is determined to fight for tax fairness and tax transparency in Europe,” said Manfred Weber MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, following the decision taken today by the Chairs of political groups to set up a special committee which will draft an inquiry report on tax fairness in the EU.

“We want to shed light on all Member States’ tax rulings and put pressure on them to end unfair tax practices, as well as combat tax evasion. For us this is a crucial question of fairness. This is why we decided to start work in a special committee with a broad mandate immediately."

"The new committee will therefore seek transparency on tax rulings and come up with forward-looking proposals to improve tax fairness and combat tax evasion in the European Union."

"We appreciate the forceful steps already taken by the European Commission, including the measures outlined in its Work Programme, and fully support its work to put forward concrete proposals to make tax rulings more transparent," concluded Manfred Weber.

Note to editors

The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 219 Members from 27 Member States

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