Enough with all the lies and the justification of the blackmailing of a society

17.10.2017 9:30

Enough with all the lies and the justification of the blackmailing of a society

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Views expressed here are the views of the national delegation and do not always reflect the views of the group as a whole
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Letter to the attention of the Members of the European Parliament

Dear colleagues,

In view that after each action taken by the Spanish democratic state, the Catalan secessionist propaganda spills lies, we are forced to point out some objective data regarding the court order that has sent to prison two independent leaders accused of the serious crime of sedition.

  • The judge has decided to send the leaders of two non-governmental organizations to prison for acts that took place on 21st and 22nd September. This judge is the representative of the independent judicial power.
  • The two indicted men, incited the masses to coerce and harass judicial officers. For two days, those gathered by the Omnium and ANC associations punctured the wheels and destroyed several patrol cars of the Civil Guard and intimidated them to the cry of "you will not go out". There were also attacks on socialist militants. The role of these leaders is portrayed in their communications with the citizens, insisting on everyone not to go home and calling for a permanent mobilization against judicial proceedings.
  • Sedition is the crime that the judge investigates, which is defined as any commotion against authority, public order and generally assisted by direct violence against the law.
  • The provisional custody is used to ensure: 1) the presence of the accused throughout the process, to avoid the risk of escape 2) avoiding the alteration, concealment or destruction of evidence, as well as to control their influence over other defendants or witnesses.

All of the above can be found in the document written by the Court of Instruction N3 of Madrid. It is a public document consisting of 15 pages, with all the guarantees of the law.

Some colleagues want to legitimize the coercion to the state. They talk about conflict. About political prisoners. About lack of democracy. Defending the blackmailing of a society, taking it hostage and sending a message to the government of a country saying "if you do not do as we demand, there will be consequences" is highly unacceptable.

Failure to recognize the law means breaking the social contract and committing a crime. The rule of law is what makes us respectable and respected human beings. Without it, in this postmodern society, we have disorder and chaos, we have the law of the most daring ones and the law of the ones that handles fake news in social networks.


Maite Pagazaurtundúa

Esteban González Pons

Javier Nart

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